Accidents, medical emergencies and acts of violence can happen anytime, anywhere. Fortunately, you don’t need special training to help. You just need access to lifesaving equipment and the confidence to take action.

Ensure you are Rescue Ready®

Be prepared for the unexpected with ZOLL solutions. ZOLL public access AEDs provide real-time guidance that enables anyone to help care for victims of sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) in the critical moments before emergency medical services (EMS) arrive.

Creating safe spaces for everyone to live, work and play

Approximately 350,000 out-of-hospital cardiac arrests occur in the U.S. each year. Access to AEDs within a three-minute reach can make the difference between life and death. Have the peace of mind that comes with knowing you are prepared with ZOLL AEDs.

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Helpful resources

Public access AEDs

AEDs located in schools, public parks, community buildings, municipal buildings – anywhere people gather – help save lives. Implementing a public access defibrillation (PAD) programme in your community can have a direct impact on community safety.

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Raising funds for your AEDs

Starting a new AED programme, expanding your current programme or updating your older AED equipment will require funding. Check out our fundraising kit for tips and ideas to help you achieve your goals.

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Featured Content

A cause for celebration

When a 13-year-old girl experienced sudden cardiac arrest at a public ice-skating rink, the facility’s supervisor grabbed a ZOLL AED. The device prompted bystanders to deliver compressions and then pause so shocks could be delivered. Early bystander intervention helped save her life.

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Respond with confidence

Trauma kits, just like AEDs, should be readily available and easily accessible in all public locations – from large corporate buildings to schools and public parks. Access to medical supplies and just-in-time treatment instruction empowers untrained rescuers to help victims when they need it most.

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Heart attack vs. sudden cardiac arrest

The two conditions are often confused, but they are not the same thing and they require different treatments. Learn the difference between a heart attack and SCA and how to recognise the signs and symptoms of each.

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