Unten finden Sie eine Liste der Links zu Quellen und Publikationen zu den Informationen auf dieser Webseite.

Die unten aufgeführte Liste enthält weitere Studien, Untersuchungen und Publikationen zur TherOx SSO2 Technologie.

  • Spears JR. Reperfusion Microvascular Ischemia After Prolonged Coronary Occlusion: Implications And Treatment With Local Supersaturated Oxygen Delivery. Hypoxia (Auckl). 2019;7:65‐79. Veröffentlicht am 21. Oktober 2019.
  • Katukuri N, et al. “Aqueous Oxygen for Treatment of ST- Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction”. Urgent Interventional Therapies. Nicholas N. Kipshidze, Jawed Fareed, Robert T. Rosen, George D. Dangas, Patrick W. Serruys. John Wiley & Sons, Oxford, 2015; 502-508.
  • Spears JR, et al. Intracoronary aqueous oxygen perfusion, performed 24 hrs after the onset of postinfarction reperfusion, experimentally reduces infarct size and improves left ventricular function. International J Cardiol. 18. November 2008; 113- 371-5.
  • Spears JR, et al. Aqueous oxygen near the homogeneous nucleation limit of water: stabilization with submicron capillaries. ASAIO Journal. 2006; 52: 186-191.
  • Spears JR, et al. Aqueous Oxygen Attenuation of Reperfusion Microvascular Ischemia in a Canine Model of Myocardial Infarction. ASAIO Journal. 2003; 49: 716-720.
  • Spears JR, et al. Aqueous Oxygen Hyperbaric Reperfusion in a Porcine Model of Myocardial Infarction. J Invasive Cardiology. 2002; 14: 160-166.
  • Dixon SR, et al. Early recovery of infarct zone function with intracoronary hyperoxemia reperfusion after primary angioplasty for acute myocardial infarction. JACC.2002; 39: 387-92.
  • Brereton GJ, Crilly RJ, Spears JR. Nucleation in small capillary tubes. Chemical Physics. 1998; 230: 253-265.
  • Spears JR, et al. Aqueous Oxygen: a highly O2-supersaturated infusate for regional correction of hypoxemia and production of hyperoxemia. Circulation. 1997; 96:4385-4391.
  • Spears JR. Advances in the Management of Respiratory Failure. Aqueous preparations of oxygen. ASAIO Journal. 1996; 42:196-198.