Real-time CPR feedback empowers all your providers, whether they’re trained in basic life support (BLS) or advanced life support (ALS). Our devices guide users through high-quality CPR, helping them to overcome fear and gain self-assurance. With every product we make, we partner with you in the goal to save more lives.

Continuous quality improvement

Accurate data capture is key to enhancing quality of care. Support your team with tools that improve code documentation and provide quick, reliable data for debriefing. Our range of hospital software solutions helps your team understand exactly what happened during a code so you can easily identify opportunities for improvement.

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Helpful resources

Education and resources

Ensure your staff is equipped to use our products with an extensive array of online resources and hands-on training sessions.

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When it comes to CPR, are you a perfusion master?

Even with high-quality CPR, a patient’s blood flow to vital organs is only 25% to 40% of normal. Obtaining and maintaining high perfusion is critical. Put your CPR knowledge to the test with this quick interactive quiz.

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Pediatric CPR guidelines, facts, and tips

Do you know the guidelines for maintaining ongoing, high-quality pediatric CPR? Test your skills with our simple and informative memory match game.

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The importance of high-quality CPR

“High-quality CPR with minimal interruptions and continuous monitoring of CPR quality, early defibrillation of ventricular fibrillation, and pulseless ventricular tachycardia together form the cornerstone of modern resuscitation and are the interventions most closely related to good resuscitation outcomes.”

2020 American Heart Association (AHA) Guidelines for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care