During this two-day Biomed class, an experienced training instructor will be providing you with both clinical and technical information as it relates to your ZOLL product.
DAY ONE - Core Fundamentals / Technical & Clinical Overview:
- Introduction and Overview of ZOLL Medical
- Device Overview
- Cardiac Anatomy and ECG Waveforms
- ECG Artifact / ECG Signal Processing
SPO2 - Pulse Oximetry
- NIBP - Non Invasive Blood Pressure
- IBP - Invasive Blood Pressure **If Applicable
Temperature Monitoring **If Applicable
ETCO2 - End Tidal Carbon Dioxide Monitoring
- Defibrillation Waveforms
- Pediatric Defibrillation
- Interfacing Hospital Systems
- SurePower Battery Overview / Battery Management
- Data Storage & Retrieval
- Device Configuration
DAY TWO - Preventative Maintenance & Introduction to Repair:
- ZOLL Service & Technical Support
- Service Manual Review
- Preventative Maintenance Procedures
- Guided Disassembly / Reassembly
- Repair & Troubleshooting
- Q&A
Additional details are available by downloading pdf agendas specific to the
R Series® and
X Series®.
Register for Chelmsford-based Biomed class
Register for Customer Site Biomed Technical Training - M Series, CCT, E Series
Register for Customer Site Biomed Technical Training Registration - R, Propaq MD, X Series