AEDs Installed in UK Neighborhoods by Housing Association

CIty West UK AED Plus
Photo courtesy of City West Housing Trust

December 15, 2010 - City West Housing Trust is the first housing association in the North West of the United Kingdom to provide automated external defibrillators (AED) in its neighborhood offices and repair vans. In partnership with the North West Ambulance Service NHS Trust and the British Heart Foundation, City West Beats will locate AED Plus® units in four neighbouhood offices, at its head office, and operational center. AEDs will also travel in 12 repair vans that serve the community.

25 staff members have volunteered to be trained in basic life support and the use of the defibrillators. These staff memebers can provide care, treatment and support to the patient until the arrival of the emergency ambulance.

Shirley McNally, North West Community Development Officer for the British Heart Foundation, said:

“Evidence shows that for someone suffering a cardiac arrest, the chance of survival decreases with every minute that passes, so a speedy response is crucial....Having a defibrillator close to hand in the first few vital minutes before the arrival of an ambulance can increase a patient’s chance of survival by more than a third. The British Heart Foundation is delighted to be providing funding for this initiative.”

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