Literature - Hospital
AutoPulse® Resuscitation System literature contains references and citations which can be accessed by visiting our Clinical Studies page. Most of the references have online abstracts from PubMed.
AutoPulse Hospital brochure
AutoPulse Power System Technical Spec Sheet
AutoPulse CIRC Flyer Prolonged CPR
International Literature
AutoPulse Hospital Brochure (Spanish)
AutoPulse Hospital Brochure (French)
AutoPulse Hospital Brochure (Italian)
AutoPulse Hospital Brochure (Chinese)
AutoPulse Hospital Brochure (Japanese)
AutoPulse Hospital Brochure (German)
AutoPulse Hospital Brochure (Russian)
AutoPulse Hospital Brochure (Dutch)
AutoPulse Hospital Brochure (Polish)
AutoPulse Hospital Brochure (Brazilian Portugese)
AutoPulse Hospital Brochure (French Canadian)